Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Countyrecords.com - Helpful Hints

I hope this article helps you understand some of the lesser known features that are provided with Countyrecords.com. From time to time, this resource will provide useful information, so check back often!

Ordering your search results
At the top of the search criteria page of Countyrecords.com you will find a drop-down box worded "Order By:" Use this drop down to select how you want your search results listed. While the options provide may be different from county to county, typically you will find order by Date Filed, Date Filed-reversed (newest at the top), and Instrument Type.

Search Hints
At the top of the Search Criteria page you will find a link to "Search Hints." This is a web page that gives you specific information about searching the selected county including the format of the clerk number, how names should be searched, and more. Also on the criteria Page, you will usually find a note immediately beneath the Grantor and Grantee box showing how to search names.

Current and Historical Invoice Copies
Have you ever wanted to look back to see your prior month invoice total? Or wonder what your current outstanding balance is? You can find these behind the "review current bill" link in the upper right hand corner of the search criteria page. Click that to view a form where you can:
  1. Click "Detail Invoice" to view outstanding/unbilled transaction detail and total.
  2. Click "Summary Invoice" to view outstanding/unbilled summary totals.
  3. Use the "Historical Invoice" box to enter a month/year (mm/yyyy) then click the View History button to view historical invoice detail.